Stacker2 Europe BCAA Intra, Tropical Fruit - 342 grams
Product Description
Give your body what it needs during your workout! You train with a goal in mind. You want to get stronger, increase your muscle mass, sprint faster, or sustain an effort for longer. Before training you probably take a pre-workout supplement for extra focus, energy and strength. But when you’re playing sports at your maximum level, your muscles have a great deal to contend with. Your muscles acidify and develop small tears. Certainly if you play sports a lot, in the long term this can result in fatigue and injuries. If you drink BCAA Intra while engaging in sports, you break this circle. In the long term, BCAA Intra ensures that you achieve your goals quicker and stretch your boundaries further.
Please note
The product information on Lifestyle Health Store website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure product listings are correct and as informative as possible, we encourage customers to always read the label before using or consuming any products. If you are taking medicine or other food supplements always check with your doctor and or healthcare practitioner before changing your diet or starting a new supplement regime.