MuscleTech Peak Series Pro Amp+ - 159 grams

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Product Description
How it Works

Meet your protein powder's new best friend, Peak Series Pro Amp+. This unflavored musclebuilder can be mixed with any protein to amplify amino acid absorption while building strength and size. It can also be enjoyed on its own pre-workout. MuscleTech's Peak Series Pro Amp+ features Peak ATP, betaine and creatine to significantly increase strength and musclebuilding power. What's more, the formula delivers scientifically studied ProHydrolase to assist protein digestion and amplify amino absorption by 20%.

Who Should Use it

This is a great product for anyone looking to take their usual protein shake to the next level. MuscleTech Peak Series Pro Amp+ is designed for everyone, from active men and women and fitness enthusiasts to high-performance athletes, powerlifters, crossfitters, bodybuilders and endurance athletes. If you're craving superior muscle strength support, endurance and increased lean mass, this is the product for you.
Please note

The product information on Lifestyle Health Store website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure product listings are correct and as informative as possible, we encourage customers to always read the label before using or consuming any products. If you are taking medicine or other food supplements always check with your doctor and or healthcare practitioner before changing your diet or starting a new supplement regime.

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