Spearmint 50ml
Product Description
Latin Name : Mentha Spicata
Plant Part Used : Flowering Tops
Source : China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
This Spearmint Essential Oil is a high grade 60% Carvone variety.Carvone is the naturally occuring chemical that gives Spearmint its distinctive odour. The other 40% of the oil is made up of
other chemicals naturally occuring in the Spearmint plant.
Spearmint Essential Oil is multi-purpose and it continues to be used to soothe ailments such as skin problems, headaches, nausea, vomiting, respiratory issues, and cold symptoms.
Used in aromatherapy, Spearmint Essential Oil is said to help reduce nasal congestion caused by the excessive buildup of phlegm and mucus in the nose and throat, thereby promoting easier breathing. It has revitalizing, energy-inducing action on the body by working to enhance mood, concentration, and by energizing the skin. Its fresh, restorative fragrance helps to uplift the mood and comfort emotional stress.
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