Carlson Labs Women's Iron Restore, 28mg Iron + B Vitamins - 60 caps
Product Description
Helps maintain healthy iron levels
Promotes red blood cell formation and hemoglobin production
Promotes iron absorption
Supports optimal women's blood health
Potency and quality guaranteed
When we lose blood, we lose iron. And since many women don't meet the recommended daily intake of iron through diet alone, supplementation may be a great option. Women's Iron Restore provides 28 mg of iron to promote healthy blood production, B complex vitamins to support red blood cell formation, and vitamin C and copper for optimal iron absorption. The importance of each of these nutrients in supporting optimal blood health reminds us of the basic rule of nutrition: nutrients work together much better than they work alone. Women's Iron Restore is gentle on the stomach and easy to digest.
Promotes red blood cell formation and hemoglobin production
Promotes iron absorption
Supports optimal women's blood health
Potency and quality guaranteed
When we lose blood, we lose iron. And since many women don't meet the recommended daily intake of iron through diet alone, supplementation may be a great option. Women's Iron Restore provides 28 mg of iron to promote healthy blood production, B complex vitamins to support red blood cell formation, and vitamin C and copper for optimal iron absorption. The importance of each of these nutrients in supporting optimal blood health reminds us of the basic rule of nutrition: nutrients work together much better than they work alone. Women's Iron Restore is gentle on the stomach and easy to digest.
Please note
The product information on Lifestyle Health Store website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure product listings are correct and as informative as possible, we encourage customers to always read the label before using or consuming any products. If you are taking medicine or other food supplements always check with your doctor and or healthcare practitioner before changing your diet or starting a new supplement regime.