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The 5 top reasons why you need chickens in your life!

The 5 top reasons why you need chickens in your life!

Chicken ownership is on the rise. Perhaps due to a focus on the home because of Covid or from wanting to Go Green, or to produce food in a kind and non-intense way, backyard hen-keeping is now widespread.

But what do you need to know before you take the plunge and step out to find new, feathered friends?

The Eggs

There’s a little bit of Farmer in all of us and the daily, mini-thrill of finding food that your hens have produced is very satisfying indeed. You will smugly walk past the egg section in your supermarket on the weekly shop, knowing you are doing your bit for reducing ‘food miles’ and ensuring at least of some of your household’s required protein is from a happy, sustainable source.


If you think chickens are just egg machines, they quickly put you right! Their personalities shine through as they soon learn your routine, your voice and calls, and that you can be a source of food and fun. A hen will run to greet you and in time jump on your lap making all sorts of interesting noises; you will learn their language, everything from ‘look what I have found’ through to ‘I just laid an egg!’

Whilst they may not be sitting on your sofa (although chicken nappies are available), leave the back door open and they will soon be at your feet in the kitchen, given the chance. They are curious and friendly. They are also loyal. They form friendship groups and will protect each other from unfriendly birds or even other pets.

If you do decide to go ahead consider rescuing ex-commercial hens, there are several charities doing brilliant work with these living leftovers of the egg trade.

Once pictures of wretched commercial hens are seared on to your brain, they are hard images to forget. Even harder to align to these are the inquisitive, cheeky and intelligent personalities that emerge when these prisoners are released into households where they are kept as pets.

I challenge you not to have a tear in your eye when you see these birds in the sunshine for the first time and then, within days, finding the pleasure of scratching in the grass or rolling in a dust bath.

Of course, they are great with kids, teaching them about food production, animal care and so much more - and yet on a day when your beloved offspring is not interested, they care not a jot, happy to scratch the day away.

Healthy activity

Hens need feeding and checking for pests, coops need cleaning and enclosures kept in order, check – is the fencing still secure? They are not just food producers but introduce you to healthy outdoor activity. You will need to refresh their food and water daily. Sometimes the clever creatures will escape from somewhere you want them to somewhere you don’t and that will invariably lead to a raised heart rate! Chickens can be the beginning of, or complement, a new lifestyle. You will wonder how you ever managed with out these descendents of dinosaurs.

They prep ground for planting

I have a friend who has the best vegetable plot I have ever seen. Her secret? She has a mobile hen run and moves it around to where the hens can clear any weeds, grass and pests. Her finest vegetables grow on land ‘sorted’ by her hens, another notch for those seeking green credentials.

They are entertaining

When the work is done and you sip your evening glass of wine, watch your hens; it is relaxing and entertaining - and bringing a cup of frozen peas to entice them over will make them all your best friends too. Many people have reported the mental health benefits of having hens, their antics are utterly distracting, from so many aspects they are rewarding.

The top 5 things to know before you decide to have chickens in your life!

Author Jill Wilson

Jill is the co-founder of George's Chicken Remedies, ‘We make scents for chickens!’

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