Weleda Baby Calendula Gift Set
Nutrient Information
Daily Intake Amount: not-applicable
Directions & Storage
Directions: Calendula Shampoo & Bodywash: Apply in the bath or shower, lather and rinse well. Also suitable for adults with sensitive skin. After a bath, you can add extra skin moisture with Calendula Body Lotion or Baby Oil. Calendula Nappy Change Cream: Gentle protection from soreness for delicate skin. A deeply nourishing, protective barrier cream which cares for the delicate skin of the nappy area. Apply on the whole nappy area after careful cleaning and drying. All Purpose Balm: The tiny tin with big benefits! This neat little pot contains a soothing balm with a multitude of uses. Ideal to pack in a changing bag when out and about. Apply on dry patches, chapped or reddened skin. Use also as a protective shield against drying out on hands, cheeks, chin and lips. Suitable for babies and adults with sensitive skin.
Please note
The product information on Lifestyle Health Store website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure product listings are correct and as informative as possible, we encourage customers to always read the label before using or consuming any products. If you are taking medicine or other food supplements always check with your doctor and or healthcare practitioner before changing your diet or starting a new supplement regime.