Saskia's Flower Essences Wild Garlic Universal Support Single Essence (In Alcohol)
Product Description
This essence (in a base of 40% organic vodka) brings a feeling of wellbeing and safety. It is for people who feel alone and/or afraid. It helps bring a feeling of universal support and wellbeing, and a knowing that you are supported on all levels.
Flower essences contain the vibrational energy of the flower they came from. They do not smell (that’s essential oils) and are safe and simple to use.
Stock, or single, flower essences need to be diluted further before being taken - a few drops in a glass of water or your drinking water bottle is the usual way, or you can add them to your bath to be absorbed into your system.
Flower Essences can be taken to change a mood, for this one dose may be enough. They can also be taken over a longer period of time to help with a deeper problem. When you have had enough you may find you just forget to take them. If no change is perceived after two weeks you may need a different flower essence. They are highly effective and safe for children, for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, whilst taking prescription drugs or ‘alternative’ medicines and for animals.
Please note
The product information on Lifestyle Health Store website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure product listings are correct and as informative as possible, we encourage customers to always read the label before using or consuming any products. If you are taking medicine or other food supplements always check with your doctor and or healthcare practitioner before changing your diet or starting a new supplement regime.