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Cheese Straws and Easter Chick Cupcakes

Cheese Straws and Easter Chick Cupcakes

I don’t think cheese straws are a particularly seasonal dish, but we used to make them at Easter! And it’s nice to have a savoury choice to balance out all the chocolate and hot cross buns. 

CHEESE STRAWS Makes 10 straws. 

 120g self raising flour

60g butter or dairy free alternative 

1 small egg

80g grated cheddar cheese

A little extra grated cheese for the topping.

1 teaspoon mustard (I used dijon)

 Preheat oven to 200 c or 180 c fan for 10 mins

  Grate the cheese.

  1. In a mixing bowl, rub the butter into the flour until you get a breadcrumb consistency. 
  2. In a separate bowl beat the egg and the mustard.
  3. Add the egg/mustard mix to the flour mixture. Add the grated cheese. Bring together into a ball of dough.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper, then take some of the dough and shape into a cheese straw. (if the mixture is too sticky/wet for this, add a little more flour). 
  5. Place the straw on the baking sheet. Repeat with the rest of the dough until it’s all used up.
  6. sprinkle each cheese straw with a little extra grated cheese. 
  7. Option to brush each straw with a little melted butter or oil to get a nice glaze (I didn’t do that here). 
  8. Bake in the oven for 10 mins. 
  9. Done!


And whilst we’re in a baking mood………EASTER CHICK CUPCAKES

Supercute and super easy to make!   Makes 6

 Preheat the oven to 180c

 115g self raising flour (regular or gluten free)

115g caster sugar

115g spreadable butter or margarine

2 medium eggs

1 tablespoon plain yoghurt, or dairy free yoghurt.


120g icing sugar  (plus a little extra for the eyes)

80g unsalted butter left at room temperature to soften.

1 unwaxed lemon

12 dark chocolate drops 

  1. Beat all the cake ingredients together until you get your batter. 
  2. Pour into muffin or cupcake cases, and bake for around 20- 25 mins.


(Ovens vary! You want them to be turning golden on top & soft & springy to the                           touch.)

  1. Once baked, leave to cool.




  1. Make the icing by beating the softened butter and icing sugar together. Add one dessert spoon lemon juice from a fresh lemon.
  2. Spread the icing onto each cupcake. 
  3. grate the zest of half the lemon and sprinkle over the icing. 
  4. Mix one tablespoon of icing sugar with a little water (drop by drop until you get a thick paste. using a teaspoon make the whites of the eyes for each chick (directly onto the cupcakes). Then place one dark chocolate drop in the centre of each eye.
  5. For the beaks I cut tiny triangles out of a red apple, but you could also use orange or red smarties (pressed down on their side rather than flat, so looking down on the cupcake you see the side of the smartie, not the round flat surface.)


Happy Easter everyone!

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