Double baked stuffed potatoes

Double baked stuffed potatoes

Such a simple but delicious autumnal recipe and you can veganize it easily by using vegan cream cheese, vegan butter and vegan alternative to hard cheese.

Serves 2:

2 medium sized baking potatoes.

2 dessert spoons cream cheese

30g grated cheese

1 tablespoon milk of any kind

knob of butter

tablespoon chopped chives

few cherry tomatoes


  1. Preheat the oven to 180c and bake the potatoes (different varieties take different times so I’ll leave cooking time to you- around an hour.)
  2. let the potatoes cool, cut in half and scoop out most of the flesh (leave a decent amount round the inside of the potato skins so they hold their shape.
  3. Mash the potato flesh, milk, cream cheese and chives in a bowl. Season to taste.
  4. Add the cheesy mix back into the potato skins.
  5. Slice the cherry tomatoes, place on top of the potatoes and bake for a further 20 mins until the cheese is melted and starting to brown.
  6. Eat!


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