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Holiday Harmony – Natural Supplements to Help You Calm Seasonal Stress

Holiday Harmony – Natural Supplements to Help You Calm Seasonal Stress

Along with the joy of Christmas, you may also encounter some seasonal stress. Make the festivities more magical and less overwhelming with the help of these natural stress-busting supplements.


An adaptogen for all seasons, Ashwagandha is an ancient Ayurvedic herb that helps your body adapt to increased mental and physical stress (Dar et al., 2015).

For more harmony amidst the holiday hustle, try adding Ashwagandha to your daily routine.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a top choice for greater relaxation and resilience, whether you’re flagging physically or mentally.

This herb can enhance mood and mental clarity (Edwards et al., 2012), even at the office party or when your great uncle tells his favourite inappropriate joke while passing the turkey.

In one study, a combination of magnesium, vitamins B6, B9, and B12, rhodiola rosea, and green tea (L-theanine) was effective at reducing stress scores and also helped with pain sensitivity and sleep (Noah et al., 2022).


AKA, the reason why a good cuppa solves everything.

L-theanine is the amino acid responsible for the calming effects of black and green tea (Nobre et al., 2008).

Sure, you could take a break from the festive frenzy, but with an L-theanine supplement you can skip the sip and stay calm even while staying in line for this year’s must-have gift.


Every muscle in the body needs magnesium to relax. This versatile mineral also plays a role in regulating stress hormones (Spasov et al., 2009).

Nuts, whole grains, and leafy greens are a good source of magnesium, but you might want to top up with a supplement if your regular healthy diet goes out the window in the Christmas rush.

B vitamins

You might think that the B stands for ‘busy’, given how helpful these nutrients are for stressful times.

Vitamins B6 and B12 are vital for normal nervous system function. B5 supports normal mental performance, and folate helps with the synthesis of amino acids that regulate neurotransmitters.

Together, B vitamins support the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a big part in mood and how we respond to stress, including work stress (Stough et al., 2014).

When we’re under a lot of strain, either physical or mental, our need for B vitamins increases. Mitigate stress this season with a good quality B vitamin supplement (see below for recommendations).

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

We couldn’t wrap things up without mentioning Holy Basil.

Also known as Tulsi, Holy Basil is a stress-relieving herb with a long history of traditional use in Ayurveda, recently supported by rigorous clinical studies (Cohen, 2014; Lopresti et al., 2022). Holy Basil is commonly used to help maintain physical resilience and mental clarity and focus when all around is… Christmas chaos.

Use Holy Basil as a tea, tincture, or tablet for seasonal stress management.

Two of the best B vitamin supplements for a more harmonious holiday

Solo Nutrition Advanced Vitamin B Complex is a vegan-friendly formula providing a meaningful amount of all B vitamins alongside synergistic nutrients such as magnesium. It also features digestive enzymes and L-glycine to better support nutrient absorption. This formula is specially designed to help:


  • Support mental performance
  • Reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • Convert food into energy
  • Help muscle and nerve function.

Quest Stress B complex is a quick acting formula featuring all the B vitamins plus 1000 mg of vitamin C. This formula helps support the nervous system and psychological function, especially at times of stress.

Wrapping things up

The holidays can be a confusing mix of pressure and peace. Changes in routine, increased social demands, travel, and changes in diet and alcohol consumption, can all conspire to make the season less bright and more bothersome.

As you navigate the festivities, consider bringing in back-up in the form of stress-relieving supplements to get you through. That way, you can enjoy more moments of joy and togetherness and focus more on being present than on any actual presents.



Cohen M. M. (2014). Tulsi - Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine5(4), 251–259.

Dar, N. J., Hamid, A., & Ahmad, M. (2015). Pharmacologic overview of Withania somnifera, the Indian Ginseng. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS72(23), 4445–4460.

Edwards, D., Heufelder, A., & Zimmermann, A. (2012). Therapeutic effects and safety of Rhodiola rosea extract WS® 1375 in subjects with life-stress symptoms--results of an open-label study. Phytotherapy research : PTR26(8), 1220–1225.

Lopresti, A. L., Smith, S. J., Metse, A. P., & Drummond, P. D. (2022). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial investigating the effects of an Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil) extract (HolixerTM) on stress, mood, and sleep in adults experiencing stress. Frontiers in nutrition9, 965130.

Noah, L., Morel, V., Bertin, C., et al. (2022). Effect of a Combination of Magnesium, B Vitamins, Rhodiola, and Green Tea (L-Theanine) on Chronically Stressed Healthy Individuals-A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Nutrients14(9), 1863.

Nobre, A. C., Rao, A., & Owen, G. N. (2008). L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition17 Suppl 1, 167–168.

Spasov, A. A., Iezhitsa, I. N., Kravchenko, M. S., & Kharitonova, M. V. (2009). Features of central neurotransmission in animals in conditions of dietary magnesium deficiency and after its correction. Neuroscience and behavioral physiology39(7), 645–653.

Stough, C., Simpson, T., Lomas, J., McPhee, G., Billings, C., Myers, S., Oliver, C., & Downey, L. A. (2014). Reducing occupational stress with a B-vitamin focussed intervention: a randomized clinical trial: study protocol. Nutrition journal, 13(1), 122.



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