Seasonal Beauty Boost – The Ultimate Guide to Winter Nutrition for Skin, Hair, and Nails

Cold winds, low humidity, and central heating can all wreak havoc with your skin in winter. If your skin is cracked and irritated, and your hair and nails are suffering too, here’s what you need to know for a seasonal beauty boost.
The winter months are hard on our skin, hair, and nails. Conditions inside and outside typically strip moisture from the skin, leaving it dry and prone to cracking and redness. Hair and nails also suffer, becoming brittle and more likely to break.
There’s only so much good moisturiser and conditioner can do to address these problems from the outside. By far, your best bet is to tackle the underlying issues head-on. That means:
- Staying hydrated
- Wearing protective clothing
- Staying active
- Switching up your beauty products for richer serums that provide more moisture
- Getting the nutrients necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Stay hydrated
It can be hard to remember to drink enough water in winter, but good hydration is just as essential from October through April as it is in the summer months.
If cold water isn’t appealing, invest in a to-go thermos and carry herbal or fruit teas with you to stay hydrated.
Wear protective clothing
A good pair of gloves can make all the difference in the winter months. Changes in temperature, cold winds, and ceaseless rain can all strip moisture from your skin and nails.
If your hands tend to become dry, cracked, red, and irritated in winter, consider a merino glove liner or merino gloves. That way, your skin can still breathe but is protected from the cold and wet by wool’s natural water resistant, wicking, and thermoregulating properties.
Similarly, if you find your lips, face, or other exposed areas of skin are suffering, invest in breathable protective wear. A balaclava may be a stretch, but a well-wrapped scarf and a hat pulled down low, or a hat with a peak or brim can help minimize how much skin is exposed to cold, wind, and rain.
Stay active
If it’s too chilly (or rainy!) outside, staying active indoors can help keep your blood pumping, enhancing circulation to your skin. Here are some ideas for staying active indoors during the winter:
- Join a dance class
- Check out your local gym for beginner classes or rates
- Go swimming
- Get a jogger trampoline
- Have friends over for a fitness class at home (followed by a healthy lunch!)
- Create an obstacle course for you and your kids.
And, of course, when the weather is milder, get outside!
Winterise your beauty products
Light summertime serums and lotions don’t always cut it for the dryer, colder, winter months.
If your skin, hair, and nails are looking lacklustre, give them a beauty boost with a rich, moisturising mask or conditioner. And consider switching your regular products for something that provides a little more moisture or oil to protect your skin. Apply moisturisers immediately after bathing, showering, or washing hands, to help protect against moisture loss as skin cools down and dries.
Don’t forget your sunscreen too. Even in the winter, UV rays can damage skin. After applying your regular moisturiser, consider a light sunscreen or use foundation with built-in sun protection.
Eat a balanced diet (all year round)
Dark, cold, rainy days can leave us craving less healthy comfort foods. These are rarely good for our skin, hair, and nails, let alone overall health. It’s also harder to eat fresh fruits and veggies in the winter months, especially if you try to follow a seasonal, local diet.
Thankfully, there are ways to ensure good nutrition even when the garden is buried under snow. Some excellent crops still in season include:
- Kale, cabbage, collards, and other hardy winter greens – packed with vitamin C and other nutrients
- Cauliflower – don’t let the white appearance fool you, this veggie is highly nutritious!
- Squash – so many varieties to choose from, and a great source of beta-carotene!
- Stored carrots – if stored well, you can enjoy carrots almost all year round
- Leeks and Brussels sprouts – great for a cheesy vegetable bake
- Purple sprouting broccoli – lightly steam or eat it raw with hummus!
Essential nutrients for skin, hair, and nails in winter
Nutrition needs change in winter, with different demands on skin, hair, nails, and the body as a whole. Here are the key nutrients to pay attention to for a winter beauty boost:
Omega-3 fatty acids
Vital for maintaining healthy cell membranes and skin hydration and elasticity, omega-3 is also important for a healthy scalp and shiny hair.
Found in: fatty fish, flax and chia seeds, walnuts, and algal oil
Vitamin C
Crucial for the production of collagen, to keep skin firm, elastic, and hydrated. It’s also vital for healing, to avoid persistent cracked, dry, irritated skin.
Found in: Oranges and other citrus fruits, broccoli, squash, and peppers.
Vitamin E
A powerful fat-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect cells in the skin and nails from free radical damage. It’s also important for helping cells maintain moisture content, so your skin doesn’t dry out so easily.
Found in: Nuts and seeds, spinach, kale, and avocados.
Key for skin renewal and repair, immune function in the skin, and for healthy nail and hair growth, zinc is also a powerful antioxidant.
Found in: Seafood, beef, chicken, nuts and seeds, legumes and pulses.
Part of the B vitamin group, biotin is vital for healthy skin, hair, and nails. If you have nails or hair that tend to split, make sure you’re getting enough of this key nutrient.
Found in: Nuts and seeds, sweet potatoes, spinach, and eggs.
Vitamin A
Another essential nutrient for tissue repair and healing, vitamin A can help keep winter acne in check and support smooth, healthy skin.
Found in: Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, and fish.
Final thoughts on winter skincare and support for healthy hair and nails
If you’re having trouble eating a rainbow of foods during the winter months, you’re not alone. Or maybe you just feel your skin, hair, and nails need a little nutrient top-up to stay in tip-top shape year-round. Either way, one easy solution is to choose a daily supplement designed specifically for a beauty boost.
Vega Hair, Skin, and Nails formula provides many essential nutrients in a convenient one-a-day capsule. This formula also provides co-factors for the production of proteins such as collagen and elastin necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails.